© K. Urtz 2013
NZL 32 successful challenger of the AC 1995
USA 36, the unsuccessful Defender of the AC 1995
          The 29th America’s Cup 1995 In the now 144-year history, it happened after 1983 to the 2nd time that a challenger won the Cup. It was the Black Magic NZL 32, which  defeated Young America USA-36. This also Dennis Conner lost the 2nd times the AC. 7 teams were sailing in the Louis Vuitton Cup for the right to challenge the AC. As in the U.S. three teams competed for the defence, a regatta was held sponsored, by the Japanese watch maker as CITIZEN CUP 1995. In 1983,each team spent between 5 - 8 million U$. In 1987, the sum increased to 10-15 million U $. In 1992, the Italian syndicate Il Moro di Venecia
spent with its five yachts a budget of 83 million and the America3 Foundation with its 4 new boats of 67 million U$. Therefore a cost reduction program was decided for the AC 1995 with the limitation to a maximum of 2 new IACC yachts with sails up to 47 per team for all races. 15 new boats with sail number AUS 29 (Sidney 95) to USA 43 (Mighty Mary) were launched. Of these, seven yachts were sailing in the LVC and 3 in the Citizen Cup, in which even took part America3 USA 23 from 1992. Four syndicates (Nippon Challenge, Team NZL, France 95, OneAustralia) gave each 2 boats in order, the rest financed by only one yacht. Dr. William (Bill) Koch surprised the public with the first women-crew who raced with USA 43 Mighty Marry up to the Finale of the Citizen Cup. The yacht OneAustralia AUS 35 broke up and sank spectacularly during a race in the RR4 of the LVC.
29th AMERICA's CUP 1995 San Diego, USA
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