Oracle Racing Defender of the 34th America's Cup The team was founded in 2000 and has brought back he America's Cup to the USA after its 2:0 victory over Alinghi 5. Since this Cup was held with multi-hulls, it was obvious that 2013 could be sailed with catamarans. Through the trimaran BOR 90 Oracle has a know how advantage and is the favourite. In August 2012 the first AC 72 was christened. A 2nd Yacht has been built later on In October 2012 their first boat USA-17f lipped over in a training in the San Francisco Bay when both bows dipped under a front wave. The catamaran was destroyed and its parts spread and collected over the whole Bay. The catamaran has been repaired, a spare wing was ordered to New Zealand and delivered in early January in San Diego. By the loss of this boat Oracle got a considerable training residue until the 2nd boat is ready.
Oracle Racing Team USA (ORTU) Defender of the 34th America's Cup
© K. Urtz 2013
Deutsch Home AC 1983 AC1987 AC 1988 AC 1992 AC 1995 Bibliography Impressum/Contact Opponents AC 2000 AC 2003 AC 2007 AC 2010 AC 2013 About Links Country:USA / Defender of the 34th America's Cup Country:AC 45: USA 4 Spithill,  USA 5 Coutts Sailnumber:AC 72: USA 17 Syndicate/Team: Oracle Racing / USA Principal : Larry Ellison CEO: Russell Couts General Manager: Grant Simmer Yacht Club: Golden Gate Yacht Club Skipper: James Spithill, Russell Couts  2013 © ACEA  GG12-SFOO-0   8861 ©  ACEA GG13-SFOFEB-00
The repaired catamaran # 17 is back on the water in February 2013 . The 40m high wing requires a powerful crane boom.
At 40 knots (72 km/h) the crew will be less relaxed.
The catamaran after the rollover. The moveable flaps on the wings are broken off and were washed away by the flow from the Bay of San Francisco.
The first AC72 catamaran has set  its two  headsails.
The AC72 is properly trimmed, further sailing manoeuvres not provided.
The crew can train to optimize the speed
The first catamaran before the accident